El Salvador Carrera Real (Single plantation)
Region and Country
Jiquilisco, Usulután, El Salvador
Hacienda San José del Real was founded more than 125 year ago by the ancestors of the current owner, Mr. Juan Wright. The cacao genetics used by the Hacienda are thought to have been originally introduced from Guatemala, Mexico and other parts of El Salvador. The 350-hectare farm grows cacao, coffee, timber and has dedicated part of the property to forest regeneration. Once dwindling populations of local monkey species, coyotes and small cats are now thriving thanks to these restoration efforts.
April – July (main) August – November (mid-crop)
Local Acriollado varieties
Post Harvesting Process
Fermentation takes place in cascade-type wooden boxes. The pre-drying and drying processes are done on wooden wooden drying beds during a total of 8 days.
Strong cocoa body with a hint of yellow and red fruits followed by slight walnut ending.